
What is GreenDeal Network?

GreenDeal Network is a collaboration between Beirholm and its partners. It is a website offering a visual representation of the supply chain of select products and select information pertaining to individual stages of the supply chain.

Beirholm is only responsible for the information related to its own products and supply chain and does not assume responsibility for any other information.


Transparency for Beirholm's products and supply chain is measured in the following way:

1. Cotton farming & ginning (score weight: 25%)
2. Spinning & Weaving (score-weight: 25%)
3. Bleaching & Dyeing (score-weight: 25%)
4. Cutting & stitching (score-weight: 25%)

As per current, we are able to disclose 100% transparency from manufacturing (stage 2-4) to the laundry for select products.

Each GreenDeal Network version of a partner laundry illustrates a distinct journey

GreenDeal Network is a collaboration between Beirholm and its partner laundries to offer a transparent textile journey. Since each collaboration between Beirholm and its partner laundries is distinct, the individual GreenDeal Journeys may differ as well as the information pertaining to the individual stages of the supply chain.


Beirholm offers a range of certification schemes across our products. So do our laundry partners and other potential members of the GreenDeal Network. Some certificates are on a company level and some are on a product level. The certificates listed under each icon (supply chain step) on the GreenDeal Journey Map showcases the certificates that this particular member holds. 

Products that are marketed through the GreenDeal Network must follow the transparent journey as displayed on the GreenDeal Network Map but may or may not be certified according to one or a mix of the certificates listed under each icon of the GreenDeal Network Map.

It is the sole responsibility of the person or organisation marketing a product solution on the basis of GreenDeal Network to ensure that the product being marketed stems from the represented GreenDeal Network supply chain and not from another.